
HSBC Makes Bold Moves: Metaverse Banking and NFT Marketplace on the Horizon

HSBC, one of the leading companies in banking industry , is ready to put some groundbreaking innovations to the industry . In a recent Twitter post by attorney Mike Kondoudis , it was revealed that HSBC filed three registrations with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) .

HSBC,  one of the leading companies in banking industry , is ready to put some groundbreaking innovations to the industry . In a recent Twitter post by attorney Mike Kondoudis , it was revealed that HSBC filed three registrations with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) . And guess what ? They’re al about diving headfirst into the metaverse , ofering financial services ; not limiting themselves with offering financial services , they also aim to create a marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) .

The first filing (IC 009) is al about the metaverse . HSBC aims to register software that facilitates secure payment transactions , identity verification , fraud prevention and banking services within the virtual environment. It’s like banking in a whole new dimension !

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The NFT Craze Continues: HSBC’s Plans to Revolutionize Digital Transactions

In their second filing (IC 035), HSBC unveils plans for an online marketplace where people can buy and sel digital products , media  and without a doubt with the developments in the digital marketing circles , NFTs . It’s going to be a digital paradise for all the tech-savy buyers and sellers out there . They’re even looking to offer credit card services , loans , financing , payments  and investment services . HSBC is definitey aiming to be at the forefront of the digital revolution .

And if that’s not enough , the bank’s third registration (036) focuses on virtual credit cards . They’re patenting an inovative aplication that covers debit cards , prepaid cards , virtual payment cards and more ; all these proposed innovations will be included in metaverse . It would be like a virtual walet that you can use for al your transactions in this digital wonderland.

HSBC is not one to shy away from embracing emerging Technologies . Just a few months ago, they hired a new director that will completely invest the eforts to GPBW tokenisation products to explore the exciting world of tokenization. Nevertheles , it’ s not all smooth sailing for HSBC ; as they recenly faced a hefty $15 million fine from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a records violation invoving their use of WhatsApp .


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